Over recent weeks former volunteers from the BBBB programme have responded with enormous generosity to the plight of the refugee community.
We want to express our deepest thanks to all!
In Malaysia, as in countries around the globe, there has been a government enforced lockdown over recent weeks in response to Covid-19. This has meant that the casual work carried out by Chin refugees in the community has dried up which has left the families of the children we teach quite literally without the means to feed themselves. (The Malaysian government has provided food for many hundreds of thousands of refugees in the country but this group – although certified as bona fide refugees by the UNHCR- is not in a camp and receives no outside help.)
In response to this problem our partner, Soroptimists International Damansara (SID), made major donations and began a fundraising drive.
Responding to the drive, volunteers who had worked at the refugee school over recent years, and their families and friends, showed enormous generosity. SID has received sufficient funds to help provide food parcels for the families until at least the end of June when we hope the economy will begin to open up more. The fundraising site closed on May 31st and exceeded its fundraising target.
We will be providing updates shortly on the situation for these families in KL. (And details of final numbers are being provided to all donors.)