New volunteer, Miza (left) celebrating the birthday of  Myanmar teach A.P. along with Alexia (right) and one of the children from Class E.
In January Alexia returned to KL for a second assignment at the Myanmar refugee school.
This term is she is joined by another BBBB volunteer, Miza, who has returned to her native Malaysia for a few months between her Masters and PhD in the UK and who joined the programme after finding us on her university website. The two have become fast friends.
Over Chinese New Year they were all invited to lunch by both the local Lions and the local Rotary Clubs. In addition they had time for some dressing up in class.
Alexia has now connected the school via video link calls with her old school in Europe. The children on both sides of the world seem to have enjoyed the experience of talking and writing to each other. The children at the school in Europe have also raised funds to send to the school in KL.